Posts Tagged ‘Eastern Shore’

Carrie’s Painting of the Week – 11/08/13

Thursday, November 7th, 2013
131106 A Day without Lou Reed 20x20

A Day Without Lou Reed

By Carrie Jacobson

The Times Herald-Record laid off all of its photographers and several experienced editors this past week. And Lou Reed died this past week, too.

It would be a stretch to say that the events were linked in any way, even metaphorically. But I can say that they both made me sad, and both made me long for times long passed.

The editors whose jobs the Record eliminated were incredibly hard workers, talented and bright, with experience and the amazing ability to solve a huge range of problems. They’d learned to work without pretty much everything that an editor needs to run a good paper – and yet, they persisted, building the best paper they could with the meager resources left to them.

The four photographers whose jobs were eliminated were among the best shooters I have ever seen. They documented the life and times and people of the mid-Hudson Valley for decades, and they did so with precision and verve and a big dose of love and art.

In its heyday, when Mike Levine was the editor of the Record, and I worked as Sunday editor and art director, the paper had a rough and tumble quality that I loved. We wanted to do something different, we wanted to be a paper that mattered. We wanted to be the paper that we were, heart and soul, not some weak echo of someone else’s idea of a good newspaper.

And making that tenuous stretch, that yes, perhaps tortured connection, I’d say that that was Lou Reed, too. Far as I know, he never wanted to be anything other than himself. Yes, he had his moments of doubt and pain, his weaknesses and his failures – and the Record did, too.

But even if you didn’t love the end result, I think you had to respect the integrity of the Record and Lou Reed.

I’m sorry they both are dead.

Carrie’s Painting of the Week – 11/01/13

Thursday, October 31st, 2013
Autumn on the Ridge

Autumn on the Ridge

By Carrie Jacobson
Peter came home the other day laughing. He’d gone to the vegetable stand down the road and bought tomatoes and something else, some kind of sweet potato that he’d never seen before.
He asked the person selling the veggies what it was, and she said, “Hnnggh!”
“What is it?” Peter said. “Pardon?”
“Hnngghh!” she said.
And my dear husband, who pretty clearly was never going to understand what that woman was saying, just gave up and bought the hnngghh. He bought two of them, actually, brought them home and cooked them, and they were delicious.
So today, I talked to my friend Pat, who’s lived here all her life – so far.
She said that hnngghh are haymen, an Eastern Shore delicacy. And there’s apparently a very distinct way to treat, cook and enjoy the haymen. I took a video of Pat explaining. Click here to see it on YouTube.

Carrie’s Painting of the Week – 01/31/13

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

On Deep Creek Road

By Carrie Jacobson

While I might be the founding member of the Big Field, Little House school of painting, I doubt that I am the only member – though, who knows?

I have wondered for a long time about this focus of mine. This scene, the archetypal big open space with a solitary house, has always attracted me. Even as a teenager, I remember loving the sight of the single house at the edge of Harkness Park, sitting alone at the edge of the pond.

A psychologist would probably have interesting things to say about this – but I think I love this view because I imagine what it would be like to be in that house, snug against the trees. You would feel sheltered and safe, but have a huge, open expanse in front of you.

And isn’t that what we all want?

I made a video of me making this painting… You can see it on YouTube by clicking here. I’d love to know what you think about the video!