Living the Iron Lady’s Legacy

President Barack Obama slipped the controversial "chained CPI" formula for cutting Social Security cost-of-living increases into his 2014 budget, angering liberal Democrats in the Senate, the House, and progressive organizations.

By Emily Theroux

When Barack Obama introduced his 2014 budget today, one controversial item made it look more like the kind of austerity plan that might have been devised by formidable British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher than a fiscal proposal by a “stateside” Democratic president.

That’s because, for the first time, a Democratic president has dared to propose cutting increases in Social Security benefits — the linchpin of the American social safety net. His inclusion in the budget of “$230 billion in savings from using a chained measure of inflation for cost-of-living adjustments” broke a campaign promise not to cut benefits for current or near-term retirees. The move infuriated progressives, who delivered 2 million petition signatures to the White House yesterday, demanding that the item be expunged.

An Obama adviser termed the infamous “chained CPI” budget item a “goodwill gesture” to Republicans. The president himself, according to Politico, viewed it as serving “a tactical purpose” by proving he’s not afraid to “flout party orthodoxy.” Liberal organizations like MoveOn, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, the National Organization for Women, and the Campaign for America’s Future called it a betrayal.

I call using the left (by goading them into a heated public confrontation purely to score points with his opposition) unmitigated, full-throttle political posturing.


New formula would cost retirees $112 billion

Robert Reich

President George W. Bush, barnstorming the country to hawk his much-maligned Social Security privatization plan in 2005, got zero, zilch, nada for his trouble. No one was buying Dubya’s scheme to turn the popular entitlement program into a high-stakes casino.

Obama might have paid more heed to the lessons of recent history before attempting to foist chained CPI on the American electorate. This ill-advised modification of the formula for calculating the consumer price index — a “market basket” of goods and services on which annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to Social Security are based — would result in what the AARP has understated as “not a small benefit change” for the oldest and most vulnerable retirees, as well as for military veterans.

As economist Robert Reich observed in a videotape last week introducing an anti-CCPI petition later submitted to the president:

“The idea is that when prices go up, most people substitute lower-cost items. So a true calculation of the cost of living should take account of this substitution effect. This makes no sense for seniors, because they spend 20 to 40 percent of their incomes on health care, and they can’t substitute lower-cost alternatives.”

AARP estimates that chained CPI will cost Social Security beneficiaries $112 billion and veterans $25 billion during the next decade. Because the formula compounds benefit reductions over time, it will result in an annual benefit that is “roughly $1,000 (in 2012 dollars) lower by the time a beneficiary reaches age 85,” according to AARP’s Josh Rosenblum. “Eventually, … beneficiaries would lose a month’s worth of benefits every year.”

For veterans, the cuts are even worse. “Permanently disabled veterans who started receiving disability benefits at age 30 would see their benefits cut by … $3,200 a year at age 65,” wrote AARP’s David Certner.


CCPI ‘an idea not befitting a Democratic president’

“Mr. President, the chained CPI is a cut to Social Security benefits that would hurt seniors. It’s an idea not befitting a Democratic president. If you want to reform Social Security, make the wealthy pay their fair share by lifting the cap on income subject to Social Security taxes.”

That was the message delivered by former Secretary of Labor Reich’s petition. On this side of the pond, liberal economists like Reich and  Paul Krugman agree with advocacy groups for retirees and veterans that CCPI is a raw deal for Social Security recipients.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher/Getty Images

Yet Thatcher, who died Monday at age 87, would no doubt have applauded Obama’s heartless formula. (Thatcher, Reich tweeted, “gave Ronald Reagan the courage of his misguided conviction.”) She didn’t cotton to coddling “the less fortunate,” whom she regarded, as many on the extreme right do, as moochers, malingerers, and reprobates. Baroness Thatcher would have been right at home with Mitt Romney’s opinion of the “47 percent” of Americans who, in his flawed estimation, “believe that government has a responsibility to care for them.”

Mme. Thatcher once opined:

“I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand, ‘I have a problem; it is the government’s job to cope with it,’ or ‘I have a problem; I will go and get a grant to cope with it’; ‘I am homeless, the government must house me!’ … They are casting their problems on society, and who is society? There is no such thing. There are individual men and women, and there are families.”


Even tax-averse millionaires hate chained CPI

Chained CPI has a single dubious claim to fame: virtually everyone loathes it, from wealthy investors to veterans, from aged “pensioners,” as the Baroness would have called them, to hordes of boomers on the brink of retirement.

Everyone, of course, except Thatcherites “dismissing Britons in need as parasites and wastrels” (in the words of progressive blogger Richard Eskow), like-minded congressional Republicans  — and, now, our own inconstant leader. The Barack Obama of hope and change has transformed himself into someone that his once-loyal liberal base no longer recognizes.

Our peerless 2008 presidential nominee, whom we hurried to endow with shimmering waves of potentiality and purpose, turned out to be a mirage. Like the Nobel committee did a year later, we pinned on Candidate Obama our most quixotic aspirations, as the seemingly interminable nightmare of the Bush/Cheney oligarchy neared its bitter denouement.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker/AP photo

But our champion inevitably let us down. President Obama didn’t prosecute the torture-mongers for war crimes or the Wall Street banksters for the financial crisis. He didn’t slip on that pair of comfortable shoes and march with union members protesting Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s legislative assault on collective bargaining rights. He didn’t advocate single-payer health insurance, fight institutional racism, or battle poverty. He didn’t swoop in to advance gay civil rights or create a pathway to citizenship for immigrants. He didn’t close Guantanamo or reject indefinite detention of prisoners or halt drone warfare, but instead took their precepts to lengths no one could have envisioned.

Despite an impressive record of policy achievements, Barack Obama is not now, nor has he likely ever been, the transformative president he vowed he would become if we worked our collective asses off to put him in office. Home safe after his successful reelection; dissed and thwarted by GOP obstructionists so many times, you’d think he swear off any notion of a “grand bargain,” he’s still trying to burnish his bipartisan cred. The far right may brand him a socialist, but Obama governs, as many on the left complain, like a predictable, center-right Clintonian Democrat or a moderate Republican — not the progressive icon we so badly needed him to be.


Congressional firebrands take action

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders/AP photo

I’m not alone in uttering this heresy. The din of disillusionment has been almost deafening in the blogosphere and on Twitter for the past week. If Congress cuts Social Security by implementing this callous adjustment — a deliberate and unnecessary “sacrifice” that, as Reich points out, the Republicans haven’t even asked for —– Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, as well as members of progressive groups, have suggested there may be 2014 primary challenges to Democratic members of Congress who vote for it. As for the House, Representatives Alan Grayson and Mark Takano collected the signatures of 29 progressives who vowed to vote against any bill that includes Social Security benefit cuts.

Florida Rep. Alan Grayson

Did Obama at least mean well, before ascending to the tantalizing pinnacle of power? We’ll have to leave that question to history. No one can imagine, before the fact, what it’s going to be like up there, in that rarefied stratum that’s only been attained by 44 Americans in the brief span of almost 237 years.

In the words of the troubadour, it’s lonely at the top, and — as I’m sure the Iron Lady could have told us if her lips weren’t sealed against anyone’s ears but Saint Ronnie’s —– as magnetic as the polar north.

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7 Responses to “Living the Iron Lady’s Legacy”

  1. Marshall Rubin Says:

    I feel the same outrage, not only of progressives, but of ALL people who favor the most successful and far-reaching federal program in history and is even favored by more than 80% of Republican rank and file. I sometimes wonder if the president included these cuts as a bluff, expecting that the extremists in the GOP would even block this proposal, so that will ultimately lead to even greater future erosion of the Republican electorate.
    If so, he’s playing a dangerous game because the GOP might turn around and “embrace” these cuts. However, just as the Ryan budget got nowhere, Obama’s budget will meet the same fate in the Senate as progressive Dems block (read “filibuster”)
    this proposal–at least I HOPE that’s what will happen!!

  2. Michael Kaufman Says:

    Bernie Sanders saw this coming months ago and has been successful in mobilizing popular support to fight these Draconian cuts. The breadth of opposition is unprecedented: Traditionally right-wing veterans groups such as the American Legion have joined forces with the only United State Senator who proudly displays a photograph of Eugene Victor Debs in his office in Washington. Thank you for this great post, Emily. As for Margaret Thatcher, the best “tribute” was composed a while back by Ewan McColl and can be found on Youtube at

  3. Sherry Svec Says:

    During his first term I was sick to death of his attempts to mollify the the unreasonable right. As far right as he’d go to cozy up to them they’d hike up their panties and move further right. Sickening. I believed that after they’d lost their goal of keeping him a one-term president they’d possibly be a tiny bit reasonable – but no, they are the same group as should have been ousted years ago.

  4. EmilyTheroux Says:

    Thanks, Marshall. I just read an article in Alternet by Richard Eskow, the same blogger I quoted in my column on the subject of Margaret Thatcher. He presents “Ten Facts Obama Doesn’t Want You to Know About His Social Security-Slashing Budget Plan,” a summary of everything that’s wrong with chained CPI.

    Despite blathering and obfuscation by David Axelrod and others, it is definitely a benefit cut, because the COLAs aren’t benefit increases. CCPI increases taxes on everyone but the wealthy; the reduced COLAs will result in middle-class taxpayers being kicked earlier into higher tax brackets by inflation, even if they aren’t making any more “real” money.

    Reducing Social Security benefits, Eskow says, is “political suicide,” because almost all voters over 50 hate it, and they’re the folks who consistently vote. The GOP didn’t include chained CPI in their budget, but they’ll sure as hell use the cuts against Democrats in the next election.

    Even worse, CCPI doesn’t cut the deficit, because Social Security is funded separately and is prohibited by law from contributing to the deficit. The Obama administration claims it will save $122 billion, but if they wanted to really save money, they didn’t need to cut benefits to people who desperately need them. Eskow offers a wish list of cuts Obama could have proposed instead, if he weren’t so cowed by the GOP obstructionists (not, as you say, that they’d ever let ANY of these proposals come to the floor for a vote):

    1) Close capital gains loopholes: $174 billion.

    2) End the Bush tax cuts at Obama’s original $250,000 level, rather than the compromise $400,000 number: $183 billion.

    3) Cut overseas military bases by 20 percent: $200 billion.

    4) Negotiate with drug companies: $220 billion.

    5) Enact “Defense-friendly” Pentagon cuts: $519 billion.

    6) End corporate tax loopholes (without being “revenue-neutral,” as Obama’s proposing): $1.24 trillion.

    7) Enact a financial transaction tax on the folks who ruined our economy: $1.8 trillion.

    You can find the story at

  5. Walt Says:

    8) End the $85 billion a month in debt monetization

    Remember Libor ? Essentially it achieved, achieves, what the CCPI looks to do with monetary rates on the end consumer.
    That $85 billion a month becomes a tough sell when inflation, as currently defined, rises. “Revenue neutral” is also being associated with the proposed AFF bonds. As these taxable muni bonds are to be available to pensions and foreign investors, which are not taxed, the federal (taxpayers) ‘subsidy’ to the states will far exceed the tax income. Read the footnotes.
    Thanks for the somewhat objective read.

  6. Tom Degan Says:

    With Democrats like this, who the hell needs Republicans?

    Tom Degan

  7. Sherry Svec Says:

    Indeed, Mr. Deegan.

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