Gigli’s Photo of the Week 11-23-2010

Photography by Rich Gigli

Devil's Tower

Devils Tower is a sacred place for Native Americans. According to the National Park Service, more than 20 tribes have potential cultural affiliation with Devils Tower National Monument. The Devils Tower is a 1,267-foot tall volcanic rock formation in the Black Hills region of Wyoming. The formation was first discovered by explorers in 1875 during a geological survey of the area. The surveyors took one of its many Indian names, “Bad God’s Tower” and interpreted it as “The Devil’s Tower.”



2 Responses to “Gigli’s Photo of the Week 11-23-2010”

  1. Anita Page Says:

    Beautiful shot, Rich. Jeff and I were there once. It was amazing to watch the climbers as they scaled the monument. I understand that there are crevices in the rock where climbers can take shelter.

  2. Tom Bisky Says:

    “Sacred,” not “scared.”

    There are far too many other places in this country where, over the years, Native Americans have had plenty of reasons to be scared.

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