Carrie’s Painting of the Week
By Carrie Jacobson
I’ve spent a day or so in fear this week, mostly, I think, because I’d promised myself that I would take it easy this week, and I don’t do well with leisure.
So today, instead of taking it easy and succumbing, I am taking action, and refinding my courage. It’s there, I know it. I can feel it. But like so much in life, it wanes and waxes.
Yesterday, I thought: Leave my job? Leave my family? Leave this place I know?
Today, I think: Why not? I have a dream, I have a goal, I have a mission. No one is going to waltz into my life and meet my goals for me. No one is going to dream my dreams. If I want this to work, if I want to leave my paying job, and make and sell art, and make this life happen, it’s up to me to do it.
It’s up to all of us to do it, isn’t it? And to not settle for anything less.
Tags: barn painting, Carrie Jacobson, carriejacobson, plein air oil painting
June 10th, 2012 at 8:02 am
Dreams are like a rainbow. A rainbow becomes a rainbow only when it’s seen, if not it’s only a dream.
Rich Gigli