Rich’s Photo of the Week, 2/1/10

BOTTOMS UP -  Swans feed in the water obtaining food by up-ending or dabbling, and their diet  is composed of the roots, tubers, stems and leaves of aquatic and submerged plants.

BOTTOMS UP - Swans feed in the water obtaining food by up-ending or dabbling, and their diet is composed of the roots, tubers, stems and leaves of aquatic and submerged plants. In Greek mythology, Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce the beautiful Leda, the wife of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta. The swan was also associated with Aphrodite/Venus, who had a chariot that went through the air pulled by two swans. Native Americans think of the swan as a symbol of trust. The song of a dying swan is thought to be one of the joy of entering the afterlife.








Photography By Rich Gigli






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One Response to “Rich’s Photo of the Week, 2/1/10”

  1. CarrieJacobson Says:

    What a fun photo! And beautiful, too.

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