Limbaugh, Rand Paul, the ACLU and Me
By Jeffrey Page
We’re just the people. We go to a job or look for one. We pay the bills. We fight the wars. We die in those wars. We’ve come to understand that the only time politicians care what we think is when there’s an election. We’re all V.I.P.s around election time.
Nowadays we have special significance ever since word got out that all our telephone records are routinely made available for scrutiny by the National Security Agency. This, it is clear, could cost votes and shorten political careers so for a while we will be taken seriously.
But usually, we’re just the people. We voted for Obama the first time because, after eight years of Bush, he was like a fresh wind blowing in. We were a little less enthusiastic the second time. And now, five months into Obama’s second term, we find ourselves aligned with Michael Moore and the ACLU, also with Glenn Beck, Rand Paul, and Rush Limbaugh on the question of government snooping into our telephoning history.
We find something dangerous and suspicious about the NSA making notes on who we call on the phone, when we call, what numbers we call, how long we speak. Yes, but government isn’t listening in on the conversation, we’re told by the very same government. That’s supposed to reassure us. But you don’t believe it, do you? Nor do I.
I’ve been thinking about the words of the great Ma Joad in “The Grapes of Wrath” as she tells the son she loves: “Why, Tom – us people will go on livin’ when all them people is gone. Why, Tom, we’re the people that live. They ain’t gonna wipe us out. Why, we’re the people – we go on.”
I wonder if Ma Joad was just dead wrong, and that eventually them people – with their demands for lower taxes, with their specious argument that government should be run like a business (like Enron maybe?), and with their willy-nilly interpretation of the Bill of Rights – will win the war against us people. If us people lose that war, the nation will have been transformed into something unrecognizable.
As has been noted again and again, the framers could not have imagined the United States of the 21st Century. Maybe not, but it’s important to remember that the protections of the Fourth Amendment will live as long as people take the Bill of Rights seriously and do not allow it to become the plaything of those who see nothing amiss with keeping track of your telephoning.
The words of the Fourth Amendment are complicated only to the people who wish they did not exist: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Obama swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution and yet, as the ultimate the boss of the NSA, he seems to have done little or nothing to keep us protected from the big nose of government sniffing our affairs. It is not overly dramatic to suggest that never has the Fourth Amendment – and the rest of the Bill of Rights for that matter – been in greater jeopardy than now.
I’m 29 years late, but Happy New Year 1984 anyway.
Tags: 1984, Beck, Bush, Fourth Amendment, Jeffrey Page, limbaugh, NSA, obama, Rand Paul
June 13th, 2013 at 5:00 pm
As expected, the government’s rebuttal is to deflect the issue and direct attention toward Mr. Snowden’s purported lack of credibility. Is it the NSA’s sop to hire “high school dropouts”, compensate them well and provide them with national high security clearance? Creative opposition is novocain added to the pot of ‘boiling frogs’.
June 14th, 2013 at 5:38 am
The Republicans were just fine ‘n’ dandy with these assaults on our civil liberties when the halfwit from Crawford, Texas was living in the White House. Now they realize they have more in common with the liberals than they ever dares to dream. Say what you will about we who lean left – at least we’re consistent.
Tom Degan
June 15th, 2013 at 11:02 am
Funny. “They” take the Second Amendment very very seriously these days. So, if the Fourth Amendment could speak for itself, I think it would sound something like this….”What am I? Chopped liver?”